
The project is the final product of this course. It is expected it gathers and puts into practice the new points learnt in the modules.

The project is based on developing a sequence of graded activities (minimum 1 lesson lasting 1 hour including 5 graded activities) founded on a specific level and on a specific topic of your choice that will be the guiding line of the project.

The project must cover the following aspects:

  • Introduction to the sequence: Topic, age and level. Explain, in a concise way, what you want your students to be able to do at the end of the sequence. Add the methodological decisions you make to reach the aims of the sequence.
  • Teacher notes: Showing the lesson plan with the contents that you want to develop, the language and the cognition levels. Be clear and realistic when planning and describing them. Consider issues such as: balance of language input, content input, skill practice and development; motivation and feasibility; importance of developing a smooth teaching sequence in which all activities are nicely graded.
  • Materials for learners: Specific materials and resources that you will use to implement the activities with your students. It is expected that you use:
    • Language scaffolding for all your materials. You must include, at least, one substitution table as writing scaffolding and one oral task with its language support.
    • Cognitively rich taks. This means that, following the Bloom's Taxonomy, you must include at least one task in the high order thinking level.
    • Cultural awareness in all your materials.
  • Assessment: How you will assess your students learning, with a specific assessment example. This can be a rubric, a peer assessment activity or any other of your choice.

Before you start thinking about the project, take your time to analyse your school and class situation, choose a particular learner group and take it into consideration when deciding what you will do within the course tasks.