Starting Point
This introductory module is centered on your expectations of this course. What do you know about CLIL? What do you want to learn? What are your hopes as a CLIL teacher?
The main aim of this starting point is to interrelate your own teaching practice and the course you are going to hold. It aims, on the one hand, to guide the participants towards the specific objectives of the course and, on the other hand, to assist in being aware of your starting point and the possible relevant aspects for each person.
You will also find a text of one of the "parents" of CLIL, David Marsh, about general issues and concerns of this methodology. The text is adressed to parents and students, but it gives some hints for teachers of the potential of CLIL.
One of the strategies to deal with expectations from a topic, in any subject, is the use of the KWL writing frame. We encourage you to use it at the beginning of any topic you are about to teach your students. This is because it helps you and your pupils to visualize their background knowledge on the topic and to brainstorm their expectations on it.
This is how the KWL writing frame looks like: As you can see, there are three columns: the first one has to be filled with the previous knowledge on the topic, and the second one is where you can write the hopes and expectations to be learnt. The third column has to be filled at the end of the sequence of lessons on the topic, and it can be a good exercise to compare the items on the second column with the ones on the third column.
Here you can find three types of the KWL writing frames, ready-to-use, in PDF format. kwl.pdf kwl2.pdf kwl3.pdf
And here you can find the KWL file, PDF format, including some reasons why we might use it in our lessons. kwl_why.pdf
Exercise 1
David Marsh: Using languages to learn and learning to use languages
In this text you will find an optimistic view of what CLIL can achieve. It is a good starting point which gives you some clues of this methodology potential.
Exercise 2
David Marsh Using Languages To Learn by Carme Florit Ballester on Scribd