Section 6: CLIL in Practice


This module aims to offer practical resources for a better CLIL practice, such as the role of Key Skills and the importance of a good planning. Finally, the module ends by reflecting on the sustainability and continuity of CLIL programmes in our schools.

In section one the Key Skills or Key Competences are presented, to highlight the significance they have in our syllabus. Section two develops the CLIL planning in deepness and provides good examples of CLIL units. Section three is devoted to analyse the characteristics of a good CLIL teacher. In this section you can also find some thoughts of David Marsh on this topic. Section four deals with how to implement a good CLIL project. Several issues are valued: how can we engage our colleagues with CLIL? How can we develop a sustainable project? How the project could achieve long term results?

Aims of this module

  • To emphasize the importance of competences in ous syllabus
  • To reflect on the CLIL teacher profile
  • To offer a model for CLIL planning
  • To reflect on the continuity of CLIL projects


  • Section 1: Core Competences and Subject Competences
  • Section 2: CLIL Planning Stages and Lesson Plans
  • Section 4: CLIL Project at my School. Impact, Diffusion and Sustainability