Module 3: Cooperative Learning and CLIL
Cooperative learning is a set of principles and techniques to help students work together more effectively, and as such, is one of the cornerstones of CLIL. In this module, you will learn how to plan cooperative learning tasks, manage these and apply them in your CLIL classes.
Section one is devoted to the shared principles behind cooperative learning tasks. You will learn the difference between traditional, group work and cooperative learning. You will also explore the roles of teacher and learners in these three settings.
In section two, you will find out how to promote learners participation through one of the key points of cooperative learning: Structures. You will also learn the connection between cooperative learning and Bloom's Taxonomy.
In section three, the concept of roles in group working is introduced. Roles allow equal participation of learners in a cooperative learning task.
In section 4 you will find strategies to build groups and to manage these groups.
Aims of this Module
- To appreciate the difference between traditional and cooperative learning.
- To understand the need of structures and roles when planning a cooperative learning class.
- To apply some cooperative learning strategies in a CLIL class.
- To provide evidence of cooperative learning potential.
- To show examples of good practices using cooperative learning in CLIL settings.
- Section 1: From Traditional to Cooperative Learning: Principles
- Section 2: Structures: How to Make Students Participate
- Section 3: Enhancing Group Autonomy
- Section 4: Team Building and Group Processing
The contents of this module are based on three main sources:
- Kagan,S., Kagan,M. (2009) Kagan Cooperative Learning San Clemente (CA): Kagan Publishing
- Jacobs, G.M., Power, M.A., Wan Inn, L. (2002) The Teacher's Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning London: Corwin Press
- Pujolàs Maset, P. (2008) 9 ideas clave. El aprendizaje cooperativo Barcelona: Graó